SR - Last of the Bjornsborg flooded event

Michael A Scofield ivarcat at
Sat Oct 24 15:32:31 PDT 1998

Isobel, the weeping one, wrote:
>Are we going to have an emergency Tent-cleaning day, too?  (Is it 
>dirty?  I imagine that the sides, at least, are probably pretty 
>yucky).  It's to
>be loaned out Nov. 13 - 15.  Maybe Sunday afternoon, Nov 1 (after we 
>get back
>from Tournais d'Amore?), fighter practice time?  As of yesterday, our 
>park is
>wrecked and closed, anyhow.

No need, the BFT is actually very clean, and is quite well repaired
(until we schedule a sew and seal day some time just before Lyonesse).
The sides are getting a bit on the worn side, but they are clean and


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