SR - Lion's Tale

Michael A Scofield ivarcat at
Thu Apr 29 19:31:19 PDT 1999

First of all, thanks to Daniel and Aelfwyn for going through all of the
trouble to check on the possibility of the many names for the region
passing the College of Heralds review.  Second, thanks to Duncan for
getting the Lion's Tale published.  Please, all of you who are on-line,
make copies and get them out to the populace in your area.

On the matter of voting on the name for the region, we have had some
discussion in the past.  Everyone should read Daniels article on voting,
COMPLETELY AND CAREFULLY. Then discuss it with others, we need to have
agreement that this is the best way to vote for a name for the region. 
If someone has a better idea, they need to bring it up ASAP and let
everyone know exactly how it will work. The people of the region can then
decide which way they want to vote on the name. 

For now, let's get the Lion's Tale out to the people so they know what is
going on. Then we can get a ballot form together and send it to all of
the groups in the region for voting.

Again, thanks to Duncan, Daniel and Aelfwyn for their work.


On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:36:58 -0500 Kevin Varner <kvarner at>
>The article on the Aussie Balloting system was provided by Master
>Daniel. It is being considered for use. The actual voting procedure is
>still being hashed out. It is my hope to coordinate it all through the
>Regional Senechal using the Local Senechals to act as Voting Judges 
>their groups. All raw data would be reported to Regional for 
>and reporting. The details are still being hashed out at this time.
>Duncan MacConacher
>Bryn Gwlad
>Duncan MacConacher wrote:
>>  HL Pug has posted the current Lion's Tale on the Regional
>> Website. I realize the date on it is March, but life interferred. 
>> issue has all of the submitted names categorized in order of likely 
>> pass the Heralds. The more stars/asterisks the name has, the more
>> to be passable by the Heralds. The comments provided are courtesy of
>> Master Daniel and Lady Aelfwyn. Sorry for the delay.
>There is also an article on voting.  Are we doing the voting this way?
>Who is 
>collecting votes?

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