SR - Red Tape Meeting

Lee & Sosha catsden at
Mon Aug 2 15:40:59 PDT 1999

Here are the condensed version of the Red Tape Meeting.
Chronicler: Those who have submitted for the A&S booklet need to send
in a release waiver.  Also all locals, please report to your Regional,
there is a bit of a problem still of non reporting.
Hospitaler: Ditto on the reporting.
Herald: The OP will be published soon. Quote "ATYC exceeded our
wildest Nightmares.  82 submissions were taken.  There will be changes
in the collage of Heralds to help groups w/o a working or very
experienced herald.
A&S: KIng's Collage 2000, has been awarded to Stone bridge Keep. 
There is no Gulf War information yet, but it will be run by Meridians,
who have promised no surprises.
Knight's Marshal: Rewriting the participants handbook.  Youth boffer
for light and heavy have been signed into Kingdom law. New
authorization cards will be coming out soon including testing for
Rapier: On the issue of New Weapons and Rules. There have been a few
small personality conflicts with the Society Marshals.  Please write a
thoughtful and polite yet concise letter to them but sent to Sir Kief
(our Kingdom Knight's Marshall) so that a discussion can take place
showing our support for the new weapons and rules being presented to
Treasurer:  We have money. Don Ansgard is the new Stock Clerk.  No
Late reports from anyone! (she was most emphatic on this point.)
Chiurgen:  No one died.
Seneschal:  Sir Burke is stepping down in September.  Please send in
letters of Intent if you are interested in this job.
Children's: Thank you to everyone in Kingdom who has helped change the
MOC to a much better run organization.  There will be a new sign in
sheet.  This sheet will ask for the where about's of the parents so
that they can be fetched quickly in case of emergency of a child's
change of plans/mind.

ATYC made money.
There will be a list made of all Kingdom officer's that will be
available to officers.  This list will be a new kingdom office and
will not be going on the internet.
Terms of office are still 2 years with only a 6 month waive.  Try not
to do the step right to take the next position.  i.e. seneschal
becomes the new chronicler.  This will cut down on the amount of
Insurance forms (one sheet front and back) are being worked on to
cover a wide range of items.
Reports from everyone need to be in on time, officers
The Kingdom Server was approved for.
There is still a problem with retaining and getting new members.  We
are not growing faster than a snail's pace and having a very large
turnover after 2 years.

Local officers, please remember, that a Regional officer is still your
boss and can only be countermanded by the Kingdom officer.  Please
respect their decision, but if a problem occurs follow the chain of
command.  Above all else, please be courteous.  We have had a few
bruised feelings and annoyances due to curtness.

Yes, this is the severely condensed version.  

Lady Sosha Lyon's O'Rourke
Southern Regional Seneschal
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