ANST-Announce - Stargate Baronial A&S Comp. and Classes

marsha.greene at marsha.greene at
Tue Aug 17 08:39:12 PDT 1999

Greetings!  In addition to the Chivalric, Rapier, Archery and Equestian
Titled Championships,  Stargate Baronial (Sept 10-12) will host an Arts and
Sciences Competition!     It will be a single entry A&S item, documentation
suggested, with a popular choice voting to determine winner.  Items must be
delivered between 9-noon in the small building, with judging by the
populace between noon and 4pm.

And we have Classes!   Three classes will be offered in the small building:
10-noon:     'Faux Glass Enamel Painting' - HL Galla Cunningham  ($3.00
materials fee)
noon - 2:     'Elizabethan Dress:  A Survey of Fashions' - Ld. Charles de
2-3:30:         'Period Tent Making' - Ldy Marguerite des Fleur

Lady Marguerite will be holding a meeting of the Ansteorran Tent Makers
Guild following her class from 3:30 - 4:30pm, also in the small building.
Those interested in promoting more period style encampments in Ansteorra,
may want to attend.

If any questions, please send private e-mail (I'm not currently subscribed
to the lists).
I am looking forward to seeing what you enter.     Baroness Hillary Rose
Greenslade/A&S Competition Coordinator

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