ANST-Announce - A&S Display at BG Candlemas--Branching Out!
Chris and Elisabeth Zakes
moondrgn at
Tue Aug 24 14:33:19 PDT 1999
I am sponsoring an Arts & Sciences Display at Bryn Gwlad's upcoming
Candlemas. The theme is Prototypes.
Choose a craft, method, or whatever, that you have not used before. (For
instance, if you're a tailor, try a woodworking project, or if you're a
leatherworker, try spinning. If you never tried your hand at A&S, try
anything!) Bring your first try--your prototype--of the item to Candlemas.
You can also bring any drawings and source materials you used to create it.
We'll have comments sheets there for others who are skilled in the area to
give you feedback on your project. I would also like to arrange time for
people to get together and discuss, if they want to.
Then take your project home again and use the comments and feedback to
improve it. Bring the improved project to next Candlemas (2001) to show off
your new skills. If you like, bring the prototype, too, and we'll discuss
how the comments were implemented.
There's no reason why an entrant can't give comments to other folks, by the
way, since you may have just the knowledge someone else is looking for.
See you all in six months!
Aethelyan Moondragon
Bryn Gwlad
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