ANST-Announce - ANST: Call for Fiber Artists/Teachers

Tamlin uriel at
Mon Dec 6 13:49:08 PST 1999

The Bjornsborg Fiber Group is hosting a Fiber Workshop on Saturday January 22.
(See the announcement in the January Black Star  - a web site is coming soon)

This is  an unofficial event for fiber artists to advance their craft and get to know one another.

We are looking for more teachers.  There are still 3 to 5 class times available.  Please share this
with other fiber artists that you know. Reply to

Mistress Tamlin
(uriel at with what you'd like to teach or with any other questions.

 Class length is very flexible...just tell us how much time you need...15minutes
to 4's all OK.  Our site does not have facilities for "wet" classes, but one of our
members is hosting a "wet" track on Sunday morning Jan 23

Wish List:

Compare & contrast wools
Compare & contrast bast fibers
Basic fiber identification (burn tests, etc.)
Carding and to...and what to use when
Period sheep breeds and their equivelants...try out a lot of different wools...make a swatch library

Preparing a fleece

Making, dressing & using a distaff
Spinning designer yarns
Spinning with differrent fibers
concentration classes as well as overview
Spinning to spec - analyzing and duplicating yarns
Making and using handspun for period embroidery

Warp-weighted loom
Transverse loom troubleshooting
Period weaving drafts for 4 harnesses
Loom comparison & contrast with emphasis on types of weaving you want to do
Period finishing techniques for weaving (fulling and tenting?)
Tapestry..beyond beginning
Weaving with different fibers
Loom overview
kinds of looms and how they work
buying a loom

Overview of period textiles from primary sources
Preparing yarn and weaving for competitions...what do judges look for

Tamlin du Bois Vert
uriel at

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