ANST-Announce - Steppes rapier champion tourney rescheduled

Wayne Ross wayner at
Tue Jun 22 07:46:52 PDT 1999

August 7th, 1999 - Sokol Hall, 7448 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231

Late breaking news!

As many are aware, the tourney to determine the Rapier Champion of the Barony of the Steppes was postponed due to weather. A new date and site have been arranged for people to redeem their rain checks!

The tourney will be held this year in conjunction with the Steppes Artisan event. The new date is August 7th, and the site is Sokol Hall, 7448 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231. Many may remember this site being used for Twelfth Night in the past. 

A map online, and to your local seneschal and rapier marshal soon to come. I just wanted to get this information out as soon as I had some concrete info.

Any Questions, please contact the event steward, HL Aslyn Crystyn ( aslyn at ) or myself ( wayner at ).

In service,


Ld. Duncan Hepburn
Central region Rapier Marshal
Apprentice to Mistress Lasair ni Fhionnualann
Cadet to Don Robert McFarlane (called Horoun)
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