SR - Regional Events

Lorraine and/or Kief deer_kief at
Mon Mar 1 16:25:23 PST 1999

Sometime around August of last year the seneschallate started
developing guidelines for regional events, because everybody
and their brother/sister was submitting "regional" events
and they ended up being primarily run by one group. 
This taxed the event calender and scattered the event
going population even more than "normal".

The guidelines were published during that time
in a letter to the seneschals.

One of those guidelines was that there could be 1 steward
but there had to be at least 3 sponsoring groups each of
whom sent the requisite paperwork to Richard Faireborne.

All monies had to run through 1 account.

And now, as in all have to send an autocrat
update (with membership card copy) 6 months before the event.

The coordination of the Regional events was to be handled
through the Regional Seneschal who gave approval, suggestions

And just for the Record...Kief never received any paperwork
in regards to regional events either....(I asked him yesterday)


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