SR - meeting at Hero of the Temple / Regional Naming

Elisabeth Zakes ezakes at
Mon May 10 06:02:37 PDT 1999

> One idea that struck me (*ow*!) right *after* the southern regional
> gathering that I couldn't attend was to get pronunciations for each of
> them (recently requested anyway, I think by Gilli) and field-test the
> names.  I did that mentally and realized -- you know, some of those
> suckers are long.  "Viva Campo de las Estrellas!"  Fortunately, "Viva
> Las Tierras Altas de Ansteorra del Sur" is a two-star; our people
> would have to have leather lungs to shout that in one breath.
Would you like to have an edit at this?

Pronunciations for the list of names proposed for the Southern Region.
***** Campoleone [cam-poh-lee-OH-neh].
**** Las Colinas, Las Colinas del Sur [loss coh-LEE-nus del sir].
**** Thornwald [THORN-vahld].
*** Aguas Escondidas [AH-gwass ess-cohn-DEE-dus].
*** Campo de las Estrellas [CAM-poh deh loss ess-TRELL-us].
*** Campospina [cam-poh-SPEE-nah].
*** Cibola [sih-BOWL-ah]
*** Cuestas de Cedros [kwess-tus deh SEH-drose].
*** El Mirador del Sur [el MERE-ah-dore del sir].
*** Levgorod [LEHV-goh-rod].
*** Löwenfeld [LEUH-ven-felt]
*** Löwenhaven [LEUH-ven-hah-ven]
*** Löwenland [LEUH-ven-lahnd].
*** Nueva Cíbola [noo-EH-vah sih-BOWL-ah].
*** Sudfold [sude-fold].
*** Torres Altas [TORE-ess AHL-tahs].
** Caerlyw [CARE-loo (???)].
** Campo Azul [CAMP-oh ah-ZOOL].
** Campo Estrellado [CAMP-oh ess-treh-YAH-doh].
** Campoleón [camp-oh-lee-OHN].
** Champs des Lions [shom deh lee-OHN].
** Cnoic Mhóra [???].
** Estrella del Sur [ess-TREH-yah del sir].
** Las Tierras Altas de Ansteorra de Sur [loss tee-EH-rass ahl-tass deh
ahn-stee-OH-rah deh sir].
** Southern Land
** Theas Fearann [???]
** Tierra del Calor [tee-EH-rah del cah-LORE].
** Tierra del Sur [tee-EH-rah del sir].
* Campocorazon [camp-oh-CORE-ah-zahn].
* Campo del Corazón [CAMP-oh del CORE-ah-zahn].
* Corleonis [core-leh-OH-niss].
* Eaucaché [oh-cah-SHAY].
* El Dorado [ell doh-RAH-doh].
* Heimili [high-MILL-ee].
* Hetjaheim [heh-tyah-HIME].
* Lacsouterrain [lahk-soo-teh-rahn].
* Leonfeld [LEE-on-feld].
* Leonsteorra [lee-on-stee-OH-rah].
* Leontofora [lee-on-toh-fore-ah].
* Lionham
* Lion's Reach
* Lionsex
* Lionsmouth
* Löwensteppes [LEUH-ven-steps].
* Parc du Midi [PARK doo MIH-dee].
* Patria [PAH-tree-ah].
* Pay des Têtus [PIE des teh-tuss]
* Pays Moteueux [PIES moh-tuhr]
* Rayon d'Espoir [ray-OHN des-pwah]
* Stela del Sur/Stella del Sur [STELL-ah del sir].
* Stelazul [stell-ah-ZOOL].
* Suð Ansteorra [SOOTHE ahn-stee-OH-rah].
* Suðcynn [SOOTH-kin].
* Sudcielo [sood-see-EH-low].
* Sunsteor [SUN-steh-ore].
* Terra Leone [TEH-rah lee-OH-neh].
* Vasilopes [vah-sih-LOH-pez].
 Lyonwald [LYE-on-vold]


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