SR - Ballot text?

Lorraine and/or Kief deer_kief at
Thu May 20 22:18:35 PDT 1999

Heilsa all Southrons Good and True...!

It was stated, from that fine Aquilanne at the Inkwell...!

>Hi Daniel,

>((alphabetical order is fine, but would folks prefer to see the name
>candidates listed in order of which is most likely to pass? just a 

My own thought on the matter is that the candidate names for the Region be 
listed randomly and without any markings as to "which is most likely to 
pass"...!! Alphabetical order and any sort of "preference marking" bias the 
vote of those less informed.  Its the ol' "herd mentality" again (no offense 
good my friends) a voter sees some sort of indicator that "this choice is 
best/most likely/favorite of _______" and then votes that way. Make the vote 
fair and non-biased and there will be far less grousing later on by those 
whose favorite choice didn't make the cut.....

>Aquilanne (Daniel's-one-of-my-heroes) Grace  ;->

Waes Thu Hael kinfolk and neighbors...
Kief "who thinks Aquilanne is WaaaaaaaaaaaaY CoooooooooL" av Kiersted
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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