SR - Response to Daniel's eloquence

Michael A Scofield ivarcat at
Thu May 6 20:34:26 PDT 1999

Our illustrious SR Seneschal wrote:
On Thu, 06 May 1999 21:18:31 -0500 Donal & Sosha <catsden at>
<snip> I have not had any
>one forward a list or even the "two" proposed names to me, just that
>"Daniel has all the names" or "Daniel is looking up the names".  

The name list is in the Lion's Tale. 

>	There was supposedly a big meeting to happen this weekend. The
>meeting was to decide which names out of a countless myriad we were
>supposed to be voting on.  The who and how many to meet and decide
>this for the region was to be discussed as well. (confusing, isn't

The meeting this weekend is to discuss the needs and some planning for a
Southern Regional Festival, which you would be very much involved since
we have to get it calendared through you. There will NOT be any
discussion of the name or voting preferences at the meeting at Hero of
the Temple. There is not enough time for that with the amount of
discussion we expect on the event planning.

>	I am a blunt woman and happy to remain this way. 

I too am blunt,  the posting you first put out sounded much like you were
telling all of us to shut up, and you would do it the way you wanted. I
can recall a few others who have used that tone of voice on Ansteorrans
in the past. Really not the way to have folks help you.

 No decision >on any
>name is going to happen over night.  My comment on "not a democratic
>Society" is true.  We are a volunteer organization, who do the work
>because the need is there, but this is not "the person who gets the
>most votes is King" type society. 

It is that way on the name of a region, principality, local group, etc.
(if that name will pass the College of Heralds. And all of the names so
far submitted have had the chances of passing assessed and published in
the Lion's Tale, as was agreed upon many months ago -- thanks Aelfwyn and

>	I believe the quote from MP is, "Well, I didn't vote for 
>you!".  The
>on line discussions were getting very vote happy and meandering.  This
>is just a guide to the left.  We will now wander to the right and
>eventually find the middle ground again.
>Layd Sosha Lyon's O'Rourke

Ivar Runamagi

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