SR - meeting at Hero of the Temple / Regional Naming
Bob Dewart
gilli at
Mon May 10 08:19:57 PDT 1999
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm going to print this one off.
Thanks many times again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Elisabeth Zakes <ezakes at>
To: 'southern at Ansteorra.ORG' <southern at Ansteorra.ORG>
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: SR - meeting at Hero of the Temple / Regional Naming
>> One idea that struck me (*ow*!) right *after* the southern regional
>> gathering that I couldn't attend was to get pronunciations for each of
>> them (recently requested anyway, I think by Gilli) and field-test the
>> names. I did that mentally and realized -- you know, some of those
>> suckers are long. "Viva Campo de las Estrellas!" Fortunately, "Viva
>> Las Tierras Altas de Ansteorra del Sur" is a two-star; our people
>> would have to have leather lungs to shout that in one breath.
>Would you like to have an edit at this?
>Pronunciations for the list of names proposed for the Southern Region.
>***** Campoleone [cam-poh-lee-OH-neh].
>**** Las Colinas, Las Colinas del Sur [loss coh-LEE-nus del sir].
>**** Thornwald [THORN-vahld].
>*** Aguas Escondidas [AH-gwass ess-cohn-DEE-dus].
>*** Campo de las Estrellas [CAM-poh deh loss ess-TRELL-us].
>*** Campospina [cam-poh-SPEE-nah].
>*** Cibola [sih-BOWL-ah]
>*** Cuestas de Cedros [kwess-tus deh SEH-drose].
>*** El Mirador del Sur [el MERE-ah-dore del sir].
>*** Levgorod [LEHV-goh-rod].
>*** Löwenfeld [LEUH-ven-felt]
>*** Löwenhaven [LEUH-ven-hah-ven]
>*** Löwenland [LEUH-ven-lahnd].
>*** Nueva Cíbola [noo-EH-vah sih-BOWL-ah].
>*** Sudfold [sude-fold].
>*** Torres Altas [TORE-ess AHL-tahs].
>** Caerlyw [CARE-loo (???)].
>** Campo Azul [CAMP-oh ah-ZOOL].
>** Campo Estrellado [CAMP-oh ess-treh-YAH-doh].
>** Campoleón [camp-oh-lee-OHN].
>** Champs des Lions [shom deh lee-OHN].
>** Cnoic Mhóra [???].
>** Estrella del Sur [ess-TREH-yah del sir].
>** Las Tierras Altas de Ansteorra de Sur [loss tee-EH-rass ahl-tass deh
>ahn-stee-OH-rah deh sir].
>** Southern Land
>** Theas Fearann [???]
>** Tierra del Calor [tee-EH-rah del cah-LORE].
>** Tierra del Sur [tee-EH-rah del sir].
>* Campocorazon [camp-oh-CORE-ah-zahn].
>* Campo del Corazón [CAMP-oh del CORE-ah-zahn].
>* Corleonis [core-leh-OH-niss].
>* Eaucaché [oh-cah-SHAY].
>* El Dorado [ell doh-RAH-doh].
>* Heimili [high-MILL-ee].
>* Hetjaheim [heh-tyah-HIME].
>* Lacsouterrain [lahk-soo-teh-rahn].
>* Leonfeld [LEE-on-feld].
>* Leonsteorra [lee-on-stee-OH-rah].
>* Leontofora [lee-on-toh-fore-ah].
>* Lionham
>* Lion's Reach
>* Lionsex
>* Lionsmouth
>* Löwensteppes [LEUH-ven-steps].
>* Parc du Midi [PARK doo MIH-dee].
>* Patria [PAH-tree-ah].
>* Pay des Têtus [PIE des teh-tuss]
>* Pays Moteueux [PIES moh-tuhr]
>* Rayon d'Espoir [ray-OHN des-pwah]
>* Stela del Sur/Stella del Sur [STELL-ah del sir].
>* Stelazul [stell-ah-ZOOL].
>* Suð Ansteorra [SOOTHE ahn-stee-OH-rah].
>* Suðcynn [SOOTH-kin].
>* Sudcielo [sood-see-EH-low].
>* Sunsteor [SUN-steh-ore].
>* Terra Leone [TEH-rah lee-OH-neh].
>* Vasilopes [vah-sih-LOH-pez].
> Lyonwald [LYE-on-vold]
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