Info from Red Tape (was Re: SR - Southern Regional Stuff)

Mirrim mirrim at
Mon May 10 15:27:17 PDT 1999

Gilli wrote
> On another subject:  Red Tape Meetings.  Since many of us can't make it to
> those niffty meetings, and it does seem lots of good things happen there,
> would it be possible (perhaps a link to the Kingdom web page) to make the
> reader digest version avaliable to those who would like it?:)

There were several meetings occuring at the same time so note taking to write 
what happened would be a nightmare.  There is a way already in place to find 
out about decisions that happened at the RTE (red tape event).  Just read the 
officer reports in the Blackstar.  Really, very few decisions were made.  
Topics were discussed and other topics were brought up for people to think 
about later.  The RTE is a very long GOOFS (great officers of state) meeting.  
Generally the only decisions made will be by an officer, changing their office 
policy.  These decisions will be announced by that officer either in the 
Blackstar or in a letter to their subordinates.  Anyone can attend the RTE the 
same way I do, by taking vacation from work.  It's all a matter of personal 

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