ANST-Announce - Kingdom A&S attendees to TX Ren-Faire
MGreene at
MGreene at
Tue Nov 2 14:34:47 PST 1999
Greetings to those gentles planning to attend Kingdom Arts and Science,
this weekend in Westgate,
We invite you to join the SCA following Kingdom A&S, on Sunday, Nov. 7th at
the Texas Renaissance Festival (near Conroe) to participate in one of the
SCA's largest and longest standing demonstrations in the knowne world. As
an SCA participant, you would have 'free' entrance to the festival in
exchange for a 3hr. demo in the Ansteorran Embassy to England (ie. the SCA
A demo would consist of fighting armored or light in the three battle mound
fights, or an on-hand arts demo, or a display of arts/science items you
have made and can discuss, or bardic activities in the compound. For those
with no fighting, arts or bardic skills there are several other service
jobs that require participants to work, such as running the Skittles game,
waterbearing or handling crowd control. You must be in SCA garb, with
headgear and period footwear. Check out the Nov. BlackStar, pages 18-19,
for further information.
To gain your 'free' (with 3hr demo) ticket for Sunday, please send me
e-mail with your request, or e-mail to HL Yoshimoto (in Black Star ad) with
your request. Free tickets cannot be confirmed unless requested in
advance. Tickets may be picked up near the Texas Ren-Fest site, prior to
entering the participants entrance. If not able to aide in the demo, but
you still want to attend the Faire, ticket prices are $18.00, with a
discounted price by $2.00 if bought in advance from Randall's grocery
chain. Maps to the Faire and information will be available at Kingdom
See you there! Baroness Hillary Rose Greenslade TRF Liason to
Kingdom A&S
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