ANST-Announce - Stefan's files for November

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Tue Nov 2 20:24:22 PST 1999

Here is a copy of my monthly article detailing what is new in my Stefan's
Florilegium for November. My appologies for this notice being a little bit
late, but my unexpected hospital stay delayed things a bit.

I am currently in the process of moving the 1200+ files in the Florilegium 
to a new site. While I am taking great pains to ensure that all the files are
still accessible from the addresses given below, mistakes still creep in. If
you have trouble reaching a file, please let me know by email so that I may
fix the problem as soon as possible.


A Blending of the Past and Present       

Over the past nine years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of 
useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and articles submitted 
to me by their authors. In order to make this information available to others, 
I have placed this information in a series of files I call Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium website now has new front door site. This site is at:

While most of the files will still reside at the old address the latest 
updated files and index files will be at the new site.

Files that are new or have been updated are indicated by a special marker
in the filelists at the website. In addition, the file -updated-files is
a listing of these files in chronological order.

A copy of my complete filelist is available in most sections of the website. 
This filelist or any of my files is also available from me by email in either 
Word 6.0 or text formats.

    Ld. Stefan li Rous   (512)892-0036    stefan at
    Ansteorra                             RSVE60 at

The new files for this month are:

under ANIMALS:
   cattle-msg          Period cattle and cattle raising.
   p-cook-child-msg    Period cooking for children.
under CRAFTS:
   Relief-Carvng-art   Class handout from Relief Carving 101 taught
                          by Lord Valdis of Gotland at Pennsic 28.
   polishing-msg       Period polishing and sanding materials.
   soapstone-msg       Use of Soapstone in period. Modern sources.
   Kiev-Slavery-art    "Slavery in Kievan Rus" by Peotr Alexeivich 
under FEASTS:
   feasts-fish-msg     Serving fish at SCA feasts.
   Mdwntr-AS-Fst-art   Midwinter AS feast in South Downs, Meridies.
under FOOD:
   asparagus-msg       Period asparagus and asparagus recipes.
   humorl-theory-msg   Concepts of medieval Humoral Theory.
   pork-msg            Use of pork in period. Pork recipes.
   veg-stuffed-msg     Period stuffed vegetable recipes.
   fd-Africa-msg       Period food of northern Africa.
under PENNSIC:
   Pennsic-gifts-msg   Some gift ideas for those going to Pennsic.
under WEAVING:
   weavng-sizing-msg   Sizing for warp threads on looms.

A few of the files that have been updated this month are:
   beverages-msg       Beverages in general. alcholic drinks.
   candy-msg           Period candy. Recipes. Candied fruit peels.
   cheese-msg          Medieval cheese. Recipes.
   cheesemaking-msg    Comments and info. on cheesemaking. Recipes.
   chicken-msg         Period and SCA chicken recipes.
   chocolate-msg       History and description of early chocolate.
   fd-Iceland-msg      Food of medieval Iceland. Recipes.
   fd-Norse-msg        Norse and Viking food. 
   lapidary-msg        Period and SCA gemstone cutting.
   livestock-msg       Medieval livestock. Pigs, cattle, sheep.
   P-stories-msg       Pennsic stories.
   root-veg-msg        Medieval and period root vegetables.
   ships-msg           Ships and shipbuilding. Sailor's food.
   trenchers- msg      Wooden and bread trenchers. Plates.
Copyright 1999, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the 
contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the publication.
Notification may be by email and reformating is allowed.


Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****
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