SR - ballots results

Brent Hanner behanner at
Tue Nov 16 21:14:10 PST 1999

maddie teller-kook wrote:
> In consideration of the numbers posted. It seems to me that a majority of
> the votes counted did NOT want a name. While I don't have a problem with
> then name being sent up. I do wonder why we are continuing this exercise
> when less than a majority didn't want that name (62 votes?).

Only 30 people don't want the name Campeleone or any other name listed
on the sheet.  33 people chose some other name over Campeleone.  It
doesn't mean they don't want that name it simply means they chose
choice over that one.  Some of them may be chosen None of the Above over
Campeleone but that wasn't what the vote determined.  64 people voted
some name that means that 68%(D+) of those that voted wanted some name.


"It has to be this way," I said, "and truely I shall soon be dead
for here shall I give up my life since I have lost the lovely wife
and that because of my own fault. So it's myself  I shall assault
and seek this so ignoble death.  In truth, I want no life or breath."

Service of Ladies by Ulrich von Lichtenstien
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