ANST-Announce - Photos: Bjornsburg Fall Court & Crown Tourney XLII

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at
Mon Oct 18 16:49:22 PDT 1999

Greetings one and all,

Photos from the recent Bjornsburg Fall Court and from our Crown Tournament
XLII are now online for viewing.

Bjornsburg Photos:
Crown Tourney XLII:
Armand's Albumn Index:

Corrections should be sent to: dragonetti at

My descriptions are sparse as I fell a bit behind. Please send me better
descriptions (or photos too) if you have any. Thank you all, and enjoy.

And I'd like to add my own congratulations to our new Prince & Princess.
Vivat! Vivat! Vivat! and "DEATH TO TRIMARIS!!!!"

In your service,
Lord Armand Dragonetti
Elfsea Historian & Virtual Scribe
Squire to Viscount Galen of Bristol
House at Axe's Ford

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