SR - ANST - Tourny of Love-From TRM

Wed Oct 20 13:54:28 PDT 1999

Unto the fine Populace of Ansteorra doth Their Royal Majesties send warmest 
We hope this day finds you well and content.        

 We write this missive with a heavy heart.  It was our intent to attend the 
Tourney of Love hosted by our fair shire of Tempio on the weekend of Oct 
30th, 1999.  However, mundane matters require our attention on the Sunday of 
that weekend, So we have reluctantly decided to stay closer to home.  For 
those good gentles who had business for us to attend to at this tournament, 
please make other arrangements.  Again, We apologize for the change in our 
Royal Schedule.

It is our pleasure that we will be able to attend an event in our Fair 
Kingdom that weekend though, We have decided to attend Samhain on Saturday.

It is our wish that each of our populace is able to attend either of these 
fine events and join in the wondrous fun that we call the SCA.

We Remain,
Daffydd & Octavia
Rex           Regina           
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