SR - Open Invitation

Lady Simone margiejr at
Tue Sep 7 06:16:17 PDT 1999

Greetings to all Ansteorrans,

You are invited to Celebrate the wedding of :

Margaret Joyce Marier Daughter of Elizabeth Zimmerman and Harold Marier


David Lee Stevens Son of Steve Stevens Dorothy Stevens

In the Current Middle ages Known as:

Lady Simone Maurian Ui'Dunlainghe 


Duncan Wallace

On the Second Day of October 1996, at Fort Hood Texas 

Please R.S.V.P

David Stevens
3317 LIttlejohn Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76105

Personal Note.

I have borrowed Margies (Simone's)  computer to post this announcement. that is near and dear to my heart, the public gathering to celebrate and reaffirm my vows to a wonderful caring woman. Due to the vast number of announcements she wants to send. I felt I could reach more of you who she cares dearly for through this medium. I would ask that you pass this invitation along to other who play our game who do not have e-mail. More information about the Wedding is bellow.

I would like to invite all of you to help me celebrate my Wedding to Lady Simone Ui'Dunlainghe on October 1-3rd. The shire of Middleford has been gracious to assist with the Wedding plans this last eight months I would like to thank the shire and Gilli who has graciously volunteered to cook a feast for the reception. 

This is not an Official event. It is a garbed function for those who Would like to attend. The celebration is tailored after an event, For the pleasure of my lady and her love for the  SCA which has been a major part of her life since childhood.  

The Bridal party will be Arabian in honor of Simone's patron Master Abdul. The Grooms Party will be 12th century crusades to honor the society that means so much to my lady.

The activates as planned for the weekend are as follows:

Friday evening

9pm Bachelor Party in the center of camp
       Bridal Shower in the hall


10 am Betrothal and payment of bride price
11 am Fighter practice in a tourney style Chivalric Combat with Largess given
11 am Archery shoot 
 1 pm Fighter practice in a tourney style Rapier Combat With Largess given
  3 pm Bardic Circle with Largess given
  7 pm Wedding celebration
  8 pm Reception

Site clean up Site closes at Noon

Thank You  for your time

Duncan Wallace
MKA David L.Stevens
AKA Artoo

Directions to the site: Take your best route to US 190 East/West. Take the West Fort Hood Exit (watch for SCA signs). Go south on Clarke Road and turn left on Old Copperas Cove Road at the Wedding sign. Turn right at the Wedding Sign and follow the road into the site.
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