ANST-Announce - Stefan's files for October

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Sun Sep 26 22:13:56 PDT 1999


Here is a copy of my Florilegium article for October.

I am always looking for more articles. If you have written an article that
you think would be of interest to others in the Known World please consider
sending it to me for consideration for it's use in the Florilegium. I am
interested in scholarly articles, annotated bibliographies and how-to articles.
The author keeps the copyright and I will update or remove an article upon
request by the author.

With the tremendous growth of SCA related mail lists I can no longer keep
up with more than a fraction of them. If you see individual messages or
even better complete threads that you think should be added to the Florilegium,
please feel free to forward them to me. Multiple messages inside one text
file grouped by subject are preferred to a bunch of individual messages. I
will give credit to those who forward such information to me, unless they
request that I not do this.

If anyone has comments, suggestions or criticisms of the Florilegium, please
feel free to send me email.


A Blending of the Past and Present       

Over the past nine years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of 
useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and articles submitted 
to me by their authors. In order to make this information available to others, 
I have placed this information in a series of files I call Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium website now has new front door site. This site is at:

While most of the files will still reside at the old address the latest 
updated files and index files will be at the new site.

Files that are new or have been updated are indicated by a special marker
in the filelists at the website. In addition, the file -updated-files is
a listing of these files in chronological order.

A copy of my complete filelist is available in most sections of the website. 
This filelist or any of my files is also available from me by email in either 
Word 6.0 or text formats.

    Ld. Stefan li Rous   (512)892-0036    stefan at
    Ansteorra                             RSVE60 at

The new files for this month are:

   mazers-msg          Medieval drinking bowls originally of wood.
   perry-msg           A cider made with pear juice.
   Toys-in-th-MA-art   "Toys in the Middle Ages" By Lady Margritte 
                          of Ravenscroft.
   beyond-favors-msg   Things to do for your SO beyond favors.
   courtly-love-msg    The history and concept of courtly love.
under CRAFTS:
   sculpture-msg       Period sculpture. Terra-cotta sculpture.
   Rus-Handbook-art    Rus' Handbook from the Eoforwic Novogrod
                          event AS 24. Edited by Nicolaa de Bracton
under FEASTS:
   Martyrs-Feast-art   Feast of the Martyrs. South Downs, Meridies.
   Q-Rapier-Fst-art    Feast menu and recipes from Aethelmearc.
under FOOD:
   eggplant-msg        Period eggplant (aubergine). Recipes.
   fd-Mid-East-msg     Period food of the Middle East. Recipes.
   fruit-pies-msg      Period fruit pies. Recipes. Baking pies.
   stockfish-msg       Period preserved fish. Dried, smoked and 
                          salted fish. Recipes.
   The-Saucebook-art   "The Saucebook" by L. Allison Poinvillars de 
                          Tours. Sauces and the humours in the MA.
under NORSE:
   Norse-crafts-bib    Bibliographies on Norse crafts.
under TIME:
   A-Gear-o-Time-art   "A Gear of Time" by Lord Xaviar the Eccentric.
   Watches-art         "Watching Time Go By" by Lord Xaviar the Eccentric.
Copyright 1999, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the 
contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the publication.
Notification may be by email and reformating is allowed.


Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****
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