ANST-Announce - New Central Region Scribe!

Lee Lemons lalemons at
Sun Apr 30 18:01:54 PDT 2000

Unto the populace of Ansteorra does Baroness Curstaidh Magorlick, Star Signet,
bid greetings!

The Central region of our wonderful Kingdom has a new Regional Scribe,
Baroness Alys Durivau!  No stranger to the scribal community, she is a welcomed
addition to my staff and will be of great help to all!  Her information is as

> Baroness Alys Durivau
> Barbara Weiszbrod
> 3248 N Galloway Ave
> Mesquite, TX 75150
> 972-613-3277
> baw2 at
> alys at

In service to the Kingdom,

Curstaidh Magorlick
Star Signet
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