ANST-Announce - SR War College Reminder

Sean Gulick sean at
Wed Aug 2 10:30:07 PDT 2000

Greetings Ansteorra!

This is a reminder that the Southern Regional War College will be held
Saturday, August 5th,  in the Barony of Bryn-Gwlad at
the Webberville County Park.

See for details.

The day will include reviews of the melee tactics, commands, and unit
cohesiveness with the help of Duke Kein that will be so important in our

effort at Gulf Wars next year.  The day of melees will be designed
around fighting with your Baronial, Shire, or household unit against
other such units from the southern region and elsewhere in Ansteorra.
We will work at small unit tactics and how those tactics can be
integrated within larger units.  Particular scenarios will include open
field, attacking/defending a portal or gate, and woods/broken field
scenarios.  So bring your friends and come melee with us for the day!
Archers and siege crews are also welcome as we will work on integration
tactics designed to make our archers and siege weapons as effective as

After the day of fighting, a feast prepared by the Barely Edible
Culinary Guild of the Barony of Bjornsbourg will be served; the cost of
which is included in the site contribution.  Finally, I will hold a
post-revel at my house for those interested in telling their war stories

over a flagon or two.

So I reiterate to all who are interested in helping along our War
efforts in the
southern region you are enthusiastically invited.  See you Saturday...

May your blows always fall true,

'Once more into the breach my friends...'
His Lairdship Gideon MacLeod

Southern Region Warlord of Ansteorra
Lieutenant of the Bryn-Gwlad War Company
Quartermaster of Bryn-Gwlad
Squire to Viscount Wulfbrand Lurkr
Defender of Lioness
Order of the Tyger's Combatant
Order of the Sable Falcon
Brother in Black, the Last Defenders of the Dragon

Home Phone: 512-249-7727
Work Phone: 512-232-3262
E-mail: sean at
Modern Name: Sean Gulick, Ph.D.

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