ANST-Announce - Northern Regional Tribute...

W. C. Smith wcsmith at
Thu Feb 17 20:35:32 PST 2000

Greetings and salutations Ansteorra!

I would like to thank all who worked and attended this year's NRTA event.
For the various coordinators and their multitude of assistants... VIVAT and
congratulations on a job well done! VIVAT and thank you to all of the
groups of the Northern Region.  You all pulled together to make this event
a success and displayed the unity for which the North has always been
known.  A special thanks goes to the site and hall clean up crews... you
folks made a tough job go quickly and smoothly.  The Camp Ranger was *very*
impressed with our clean up efforts and sends his compliments.  

Finally, my thanks go to all the good gentles who donated items,
participated in the fund raisers, and generously gave of their hard earned
money.  Thanks to *your* efforts, we raised $3,850.00 for our beloved
Ansteorra!  Yes... that's right... $3,850.00! 


In service,
Baron Artorius ap Caradoc
Coordinating Autocrat
Northern Regional Tribute to Ansteorra
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