ANST-Announce - Hastings 2000

yokoo at yokoo at
Sun Feb 27 01:27:10 PST 2000

My Lords and Ladies,
To any who may be interested, I offer the appended invitation.
It is my feeling that this is a splended oportunity for the SCA to show
other re-enactment groups as well as the academic
community, that we can be just as authentic about re-creating medieval
culture and artifacts,as anyone else. My thought is
that local groups such as hoseholds, shires, provinces, etc. could pool
their resources, both in terms of arts and crafts,
as well as perhaps even financial, and send one or more SCAers to this
event. ( Remember that any monies collected would
have to be specifically donated to the recipiant(s) and not to the
SCA-since the SCA can not give any money to private
individuals for private use.)
A review of the Hastings 2000 website shows that a person who is to
participate in the re-enactment activities,needs to have
a lot of hand crafted details in their costume and gear. Much of this
work could be donated by members of the local groups
for their attending member(s).
This would be much as it was in William the Conquerer's time when he
called upon his vassals to support his invasion
efforts. ( For instance, a few days ago I was given 8 feet of hand woven
braid to be used to decorate the neck opening and
sleeve cuffs of my yet to be made linnen undertunic. This was woven by a
lady in my shire as part of it's (as yet
unofficial) "Send Henrik to Hastings" effort.)
I hope that the SCA membership will unite in participating in such a '
once in a lifetime oportunity.
Duke Talymar of the Middle Kingdom has agreed to help co-ordinate
American SCA efforts and can be reached by e-mail at:
duketalymar at
I can be reached by e-mail at:   holsgaard at
I remain in service to the Society, HENRIK of HAVN,
KSCA,OL,OP,KSM,MGC,QOG,OLM,etc.  ,Shire of Caldarium, Principality of
the Mists, Kingdom of the WEST.


                                      Battle Abbey, 14 & 15th October
2000 A.D.

        To all Dark-Age Re-enactors:

        The Vikings have been asked by English Heritage to co-ordinate
the administration and organisation of all
        the re-enactors and their activities at this event. To this end,
we are inviting all Dark Age/early Medieval
        re-enactment groups or individuals who have (or are willing to
make) kit authentic to the date 1066 and who
        wish to take part in the battle (metal weapons and archery) or
in the Living History Encampment to
        register their interest and put themselves on the mailing list.

        Please fill in our Registration Form or mail your details back
to me. In the interest of minimising the amount
        we spend on postage, please could one representative of each
group register and pass the necessary
        information on. In the case of larger Societies, such as The
Vikings and Regia Anglorum, I will send
        information to all of the regional groups as well as to your
central body. Again, could a nominated contact
        from each regional group register with me. All information will
also be posted on the Web at and will be available to
everyone to print off from there.

        Feel free to pass this invitation on to any interested party and
to link your Web pages to the Hastings
        page for instant updates and access to information.

        We look forward to seeing you at Battle Abbey on 14 & 15th
October 2000 AD.

                                                       Best wishes

                                                     Sandra Orchard
                                                       The Vikings

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Hastings 2000 Home Page

      © Copyright 1999, The Vikings

Maintained by: Magnus Thorkelson, Ousekjarr

PS.     Be sure to also go to The Vikings main website at :

for specific information about live steel combat, costume details ,how
they run their re-enactments, etc.          Henrik.
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