SR - Fw: equestrian

Debbie Dewart darcy at
Tue Jan 4 05:54:43 PST 2000

Pardon  the bandwidth.

I was asked to forword the information that equestrian events have been
canceled at this year's Ice Axe in Middleford.

HL Darcy

-----Original Message-----
From: Cathleen <averick at>
To: Bob Dewart <gilli at>
Date: Monday, January 03, 2000 5:50 PM
Subject: equestrian

>Hey Gilli and Darcy,
>Please notice on the equestrian list that horses at Iceaxe has been nixed.
>If you have access to lots of SCAdian e-mail addresses and lists, please
>foreword that message to all and sundry, if you would.  Thanks for your
>support.  The wind has fallen from my sails on this one.  Ah, well, I can't
>get everything I want, but I won't quit trying.

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