SR - Fw: Reminder - Arrow Making Cancelled

Debbie Dewart darcy at
Thu Jan 6 04:26:14 PST 2000

-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Dewart <darcy at>
To: Ansteorra-Announce <Ansteorra-Announce at Ansteorra.ORG>
Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 10:44 PM
Subject: Reminder - Arrow Making Cancelled

>Gilli asked me to reminded everyone that, since his work schedule changed,
>and he had to go out of Kingdom this week the arrow making party originally
>schedule for this weekend, Jan 7-9, has been cancelled.
>Just remember -- no arrow making this weekend.  At least  here.  You're
>than welcome to do it where you are.   After all, to darken the skies at
>Gulf Wars with Ansteorran arrows, someone has to make them first.
>HL Darcy
>Heroes have an infinate capacity for stupidity, and thus are legends born.

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