ANST-Announce - Chivalric Revelry Site being set up!

duchessa at duchessa at
Wed Jan 12 14:34:24 PST 2000

This is just beginning, they have not set up the site yet,
but are soliciting contributions to make it. 
Reply to Batujin at             

Master Magnus, Atlantia, GDH
[gdh] Invitation to Bards
   From: duchessa at
   Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 16:38:41 -0500
   To: gdh

If there are no objections, I offer this to be posted to all lists. I
thank you all for your support and advice.  D. Ann

(Duchess Ann de Fountaine)

         Firesongs: Chivalric Revelry
        Courtesy of the Great Dark Horde 
      with contributions from diverse others  

Unto the Bards of the Known Worlde.

  For most of the days of the Middle Kingdom, our Peers have Served the
people by putting themselves up as examples of what Honor and Chivalry
could be; even unto having their humanity, and their faux pas revealed 
unto the majority of the populace. Through song and prose their Peers 
imposed the gentle consequences and praised what was admired; our 
Royal's Honor displayed by laughing with the people.

  A web site is being created for the purpose of sharing the songs,
stories and poetry from every Kingdom, that have shaped and continue 
to help shape the SCA.  While any form will be gratefully accepted, 
we desire to provide audio renditions so tune, tempo and words can be 
shared. We are asking for musical notation, where possible, and words  
along with a history of what was / is occurring to inspire the piece. 
Please include author, dates, etc.. If you sing it, sing it to your 
computer and share it.

  Please send contributions to <batujin at> in uncompressed 
or MP3 form.

  We hope this will be a source for words and tunes of the songs sung
around campfires and in front of Kings; a source for all bards to
understand and be able to share the history, so what is / was good 
will be perpetuated and what was ill, will be learned from and maybe 
not repeated.

  Together we continue to  "Recreate the Middle Ages, the way they could
have been".

            In Service to the Dream
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