SR - mistake in bardic charter

jonwillowpel at jonwillowpel at
Sat Jan 22 16:54:27 PST 2000

Lady Simone
 I caught a big typo in charter.  The College is suppose to Offer aid to
bardic competition. I hope we can change that . I noticed that your
Charter is different from the one I put  out. This is a little confusing.
If we are going to make such a major change I think we need get opinions
from the community before changing the Charter.

Your Charter states that is the same one that was put out last reign  but
it is not the charter which was put out. This is misleading. We need
communication not razzle dazzle politics.  There is a lot of difference
from encouraging bardic  competitons and not offering any kind of aid to
people who were having bardic competitions . The one thing I got from the
bards was they were interested in being involved in competitions. They
did want the college of offer aid to groups so the competition would
improve. They understood that we could not stop or interfere but we could
help. Also it was stated by several people that we needed to clearly
state we had no control over the use of the arms of a group. If a group
allowed the title bard to have the ensign on their it was alright but the
college could not give that privilege. 

As premier bard I talked to a lot of people and the majority of the bards
were worried about competitions. I did not put that section in based on
my own opinion. I do not believe it should be changed on a single
opinion. If this a sore point then we should debate it some more. There
is room for compromise between the two stands. But if this charter is to
supersede the earlier one then please take my name off. I do not support

Simone's charter 
1.      The Bardic College has a policy of non-interference with local
title or non-title competitions. The college will not offer aid to anyone
who is having bardic competitions.

 Section from the charter that was " placed before the Bards of Ansteorra
By the Premier Bard, Willow De Wisp, Two Times and Voted to the Positive
at the Coronation of their Royal Majesties Daffyd Whittaker and Octavia
de Verdon Becomes the official charter of the Ansteorra College of Bards
as of December 11 AS XXXIV."
                                         III.         Competitions

  1. It is choice of each  group as to whether or not they have a title
bard competition. The college will offer aid to local groups seeking to
have a title bard or any other kind of competitions.  It is encouraged
that all local groups have a title bard.  Selection of a title bard is
left to the discretion of the individual group,according to their
traditions and wishes. Prizes and the Symbols of Office are the
discretion of the Group not the College. The Kingdom's Premier Bard is to
be chosen annually, by the traditions of the college. 

                                             Simone's charter in total.
Please excuse multiple posts of this letter It has been sent out to reach
the majority of the kingdom that is on line.
I am Lady Simone Maurian Ui'Dunlainghe The Information Coordinator for
the Bardic College of Ansteorra. for the last year you the populace and
the bards of Ansteorra have been kind and gracious. You have provided
your insight and oppinions on several Drafts of a new Proposed Charter
for the Kingdom Bardic College. At this Past Corenation I was Presented
with a copy of the Aproved Charter By the Premier Bard of Ansteorra to be
Posted unto the Populace. I would Like to Thank everyone who Provided
comentary on the perivious drafts of the charter.  If any Individual
would like a personal copy of the charter Please feel free to Contact me.
I can Provide you with a hard copy or electronic copy of the charter.
Pleas direct comments to Myself  or Other College officers not to the
Bardic College Officers are:
Primier Bard of Ansteorra     
Master Ulf Gunnerson 
ulfie at
Bardic College Information Coordinator:     
Lady Simone Maurion Ui'Dunlainghe
margiejr at
3317 Littlejohn Ave. 
Fort Worth Texas 76105
(817) 536-6629
Bardic College Newsletter Editor
HL Robert Fitzmorgan
Fitzmorgan at
Bardic College Education and Performance Officer
Duchess Willow de Wisp
jonwillowpel at
In Service
Lady Simone Maurian Ui'Dunlainghe
Information Coordinator; Bardic College of Ansteorra
margiejr at

Charter for the Bardic College of Ansteorra

The term "Bard" in this document is a general term used to refer to all
musicians, poets, storytellers, skalds, actors, and other performing

The Bardic College is the fellowship of bards. The Bardic College exist
to promote the bardic arts in the kingdom of Ansteorra. To be an
educational resource and supportive organization for bards and those
wishing to be bards. To maintain the bardic history, and bardic
traditions of the Kingdom of Ansteorra. To encourage Bardic styles
consistent with the historical era of the Society.

1.      The primary purpose of the Bardic College is to strengthen the
Bardic Arts through the sharing of information, ideas, and techniques in
formal and informal gatherings.

2.      Membership in the Bardic Collage is open to anyone saying that
he or she is a bard.  As it has been in the past in this kingdom any
person wishing to be a
"Bard" in the Kingdom of Ansteorra has only to claim such. Membership in
the college  can only canceled by the individual bard

3.      Individual bards are autonomous except in matter concerning all
Bards. Each Bard is an individual with their own style and personality;
hence the collage does not mandate the type of Bard craft an individual
bard must pursue. 

4.      No single bard can speak for the bardic College.

5.      The Bardic Collage is to remain non-political. Those who hold
offices are but trusted servants they do not govern.  They are to work
for the support of the Bardic Arts.  Final authority for the collage
comes from the Bards of Ansteorra a whole. Any changes in the Charter or
policy statements will be made only after sincere effort to communicate
with as many bards as possible and reasonable time given for comments.
The Primer Bard will communicate with the officers of the College, and as
many of the past premier bards as possible before taking any major
action. Premier Bards may set reasonable goals and projects for their
tenure after communicating with the College officers.

6.      Bards earn their keep by patronage; hence, a bard may be hired by
anyone choosing to hire a Bard. The College dose not interfere or


II Officers of the Bardic College

The Officers of the Bardic College are the Premier Bard of Ansteorra,
College information Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, and Education and
Performance Opportunity Officer. Te list is not all Inclusive the Premier
Bard may appoint deputies to handle tasks during his/her tenure. Bellow
is a brief explanations of duties.

1.      Premier Bard of Ansteorra is the executive head of the college,
and is also responsible for promoting the bardic arts in the Kingdom of
Ansteorra, to be an example of bardic excellence, to serve the Crown as
Kingdom Bard, To communicate and function as deputy to the Kingdoms Arts
and Science Officer, and to arrange/facilitating the competition to
choose his or her successor in/or about November. The Premier Bard Of
Ansteorra is chosen annually, by the customs and traditions of the Bardic
Collage. It is the duty of the Premier Bard to arrange the competition
for his successor as close to a year as possible. Format of Completion to
be chosen by the out going Premier Bard. The Competition is open to all
bards of the kingdom. Working with the College officers the Premier Bard
will set reasonable goals and Projects for his tenure. Past Premier Bards
will act as advisors to present Premier Bards.

2.      College information Coordinator, Coordinates and Maintains Bardic
Information and contacts in a physical and electronic storage. 
Facilitates Quarterly meeting of the College. Distributes Briefings of
those gatherings to the Kingdom Officers and Populace. Serves as the
focal point for the Kingdoms Bardic Network.  It is recommended that the
Coordinator appoint 5 deputies one from each region to assist with the
office. Term of office 2 years.

3.      Newsletter editor is responsible for publishing the newsletter of
the bardic college.  It is recommended that this office also have
deputies Term of Office 2 years

4.      Education and Performance Opportunity Officer is responsible for
research and Educational material on the bardic arts and in arranging
performance venues. It is recommended that this office have deputies e
from each region, to assist in promoting research, education and
performance opportunities related to the Bardic Arts.

5.      When a office becomes vacant the Preimer will announce bids and
after a reasonable time appoints a replacement.


III. Competitions

1.      The Bardic College has a policy of non-interference with local
title or non-title competitions. The college will not offer aid to anyone
who is having bardic competitions.

2.      As any group, guild, or household can hold bardic competitions
the Primer bard may hold special competitions during his tenure


IV. Gatherings

Gatherings are organized activities for bards that can range from Bardic
Circles, guild meetings, Walk about’s to Work weekends. To encourage the
bardic arts, and to create environment of cooperation among the bards. 
We to encourage groups to have some type of bardic outlet for the bards
in their group.

1.       Bardic Circles are non-competition activities at events were
bards may perform for all those who wish to listen and participate. 
These are wonderful places for bards and the audience to give Largess to
bards that touch their hearts.

2.      Walk about’s are performing situations where the performers set
up stations and the populace travels t the stations. Fire Walks are were
the bards travel to individual camp fires.

3.      Bardic Guilds or gatherings are done at the group level to
encourage support amongst the bards. Sharing of knowledge and skill, a
place to practice and share new material. The structure of these meetings
is left to the discretion of the group. They can be formal practice
sessions to mini revels.

4.      Bardic Work weekends are meetings and work groups sponsored by
the college.


V. Symbols of a bard

 The bardic Sash has been a long time standing representation of the
bards in this kingdom and shall remain the custom. Bards may decorate
their sashes according to custom or however they please. Please remember
that heraldic designs belong to the group or individual that registered
them and cannot be displayed except with permission of the owner.


The sash it self is Sky Blue trimmed at the ends with Gold fringe. 

Following are the Customary Symbols


Primer Bard         A wide gold Zigzag Surmounted with the kingdom Badge
Title Bard             A wide gold Zigzag Surmounted with the Groups
Winner of non-     A wide Silver Zigzag
Titled completion 
First place 
      Poem              A Purple Zigzag

      Story               A Green Zigzag

      Song                A Red Zigzag

  A college Patron         A wide White Band

  Five time Judge          A wide black Band

 Previous Primer Bard A cloak of many Colors



This Charter having Been placed before the Bards of Ansteorra By the
Premier Bard, Willow De Wisp, Two Times and Voted to the Positive at the
Coronation of their Royal Majesties Daffyd Whittaker and Octavia de
Verdon Becomes the official charter of the Ansteorra College of Bards as
of December 11 AS XXXIV.

                                           Orginial CharterFrom:
willowdewisp at
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Status: New
X-Juno-Att: 0
X-Juno-RefParts: 0

 Guidelines and Charter for the Bardic Collage of Ansteorra
The term "Bard" in this document is a general term used to refer to all
musicians, poets, storytellers, skalds, actors, and other performing
The Bardic College exists to promote the bardic Arts in the kingdom of
Ansteorra. To be an educational resource, and supportive organization 
for bards and those wishing to be Bards. To maintain the Bardic History,
and Bardic Traditions of the Kingdom of Ansteorra. To encourage bardic 
styles consistent with the historical era of the Society.  

  1. The primary purpose of the Bardic Collage is to strengthen the
Bardic Arts through the sharing of information, ideas, and techniques in
formal and informal gatherings.

  2. As it has been in the past in this kingdom any person wishing to be
a "Bard" in the Kingdom of Ansteorra has only to claim such.

  3. Membership in the Bardic Collage is open to anyone saying that
he or she is a bard.  The Bard not the collage can only cancel 
membership into the collage. 

  4. All bards are autonomous except in matter concerning all Bards.     
 Each Bard is an individual with their own style and personality;
hence the collage does not mandate the type of Bard craft an individual
bard must pursue.  Nor does a single Bard talk for all bards in the

  5. The Bardic Collage is to remain forever non political. Those who
hold offices are but trusted servants they do not govern.  They are to
work for the support of the Bardic Arts.  Final authority for the collage
comes from the Bards of Ansteorra a whole. The Bardic Collage does not
have a political opinion.  
Political opinions are that of an individual and do not reflect that of

   6. Bards earn their keep by patronage; hence, a bard may be hired by
anyone choosing to hire a Bard.  The College will not regulate or

   7.  The Premier Bard Of Ansteorra is chosen annually, by the
customs and traditions of the Bardic Collage. It is the duty of the
Premier Bard to arrange the competition for his successor as close to a
year as possible.   Format of Completion to be chosen by the Outgoing
bard. The competition is open to all Bards of Ansteorra.

        		II. The Offices of the Bardic College are: The Premier Bard of
Ansteorra, College information Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, and
Education  and Performance Opportunity Officer.  Below is a brief
explanation of duties. The list is not all-inclusive. The Premier Bard
may appoint deputies to handle tasks during their tenure. 

      1. Premier Bard of Ansteorra is the executive head of the college,
and is also responsible for promoting the bardic arts in the Kingdom of
Ansteorra, to be an example of bardic excellence, a roll model for
aspiring Bards. Is responsible for facilitating the completion to choose
his or her successor in/ or about November. 

      2. College information Coordinator: Coordinates and Maintains
Bardic Information and contacts in a physical and electronic storage.
Facilitates meetings of the College. Distributes Briefings of those
gatherings to the Kingdom Officers and Populace. Serves as the
focal point for the Kingdoms Bardic Network.  It is recommended that the
Coordinator appoint  deputies one from each region to assist with the
office. Term of office 2 years

       3. Newsletter editor is responsible for publishing the Quarterly
newsletter of the bardic college.  It is recommended that this office
also has deputies Term of Office 2 years
        4. Education and Performance Opportunity Officer is responsible 
for Research and Educational material on the bardic arts and in arranging
performance venues. It is recommended that this office have  deputies,
from each region, to assist in promoting research, education and
performance opportunities related to the Bardic Arts.

                        III.         Competitions

  1. It is choice of each  group as to whether or not they have a title
bard competition. The college will offer aid to local groups seeking to
have a title bard or any other kind of competitions.  It is encouraged
that all local groups have a title bard.  Selection of a title bard is
left to the discretion of the individual group,according to their
traditions and wishes. Prizes and the Symbols of Office are the
discretion of the Group not the College. The Kingdom's Premier Bard is to
be chosen annually, by the traditions of the college. 

3.      Any group, guild, or household can hold non-titled competitions
at any time.


      Gatherings are organized activities for bards that can range from
Bardic Circles, guild meetings, and Quarterly Bardic Work weekends. To
encourage the bardic arts and an environment of cooperation among the
bards we encourage groups to have some type of bardic outlet for the
bards of their group.

1.      Bardic Circles are non completion activities at events were bards
may perform for all those who wish to listen and participate.  These are
wonderful places for bards and the audience to give Largess to bards 
that touch their hearts.

2.      Bardic Guilds or gatherings are done at the group level to
encourage support amongst the bards. Sharing of knowledge and skill, a
place to practice and share new material. The structure of these meetings
is left to the discretion of the group. They can be formal practice
sessions to mini revels.

3.      Bardic Work weekends are the meetings and work group
sponsored by the college. That may be sponsored by a group. If a group
does not sponsor a work weekend then it falls into its default location.
The current Information Coordinator of the college, whose responsibility
it is to ensure that the regular meetings take place, decides the
default location.

IV.               Symbols of a Bard

     The bardic Sash has been a long time standing representation of the
bards in this kingdom and shall remain so. Bards may decorate their
slashes according to custom or however they please. Please remember that
heraldic designs belong to the group or individual that registered them
and cannot be displayed except with permission of the owner.  

                  Customary achievements for the bardic Sash. 
The sash it self is Blue trimmed at the ends with Gold fringe. 
 The  following are the customary symbols.
     Primer Bard                  A wide gold Zigzag
                                   Surmounted with the kingdom Badge
     Title Bard       A wide gold Zigzag
                                   Surmounted with the Groups Badge
      Winner of non-               A wide Silver Zigzag
      Titled completion
     First place
      Poem                         A Purple Zigzag
      Story                          A Green Zigzag
      Song                          A Red Zigzag
      Other symbols 
      A college Patron      A wide White Band
      Five time Judge          A wide black Band
      Previous Premier Bard     A cloak of many colors.
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