SR - Southern Regional Festival Arts & Sciences

Carolle Ternus cternus at
Wed Mar 29 19:38:41 PST 2000

Greetings to the Artisans of the Southern Region,

The Arts and Sciences at the Southern Regional Festival will be a
Laurel's Prize Tourney.

One entry per person.  The entry must have been made in the 12 months
before the SR Festival.

The artisans from each group in the Southern Region are asked to display

together.  There will be some tables available, but bring your own to be

sure you have space.

Set-up starts at 10am.  Though this is an event for the Southern Region,
all are invited to display their art.  If possible, let me know what you
are bringing to display and where you are from.

There will also be a two-hour Jewelry-Making  demo organized by Mistress
Raisya, as well as a one-hour session by Nara of Fernwell, teaching
several campfire songs we can sing later that night.  In addition, Lord
Lawrence the Rampant will be giving a class on Siege Weaponry.

Thank you, Radegund (SR Festival A&S Coordinator)
210-826-7002 or cternus at

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