SR - Please Excuse the band width: Laurels Info

Cliff Williams ctwilliams at
Wed Nov 1 07:10:08 PST 2000

 hotels listed on web page as of 11-1-00    tempio at
Laurel's' Prize Tourney

November 4, 2000

Come, display your knowledge of the arts

and have the Laurels assist in commentary

and aid to the artisans.

The site will open on Saturday at 9 a.m.

The site fee is $12 for adults; children 6-12 are $5.

No family will pay more than $30.

There will be a sideboard featured for all people and will be open from 11:00 - 3:00

the site is wet but please use period containers

A parent or legal guardian must accompany minors. 

Minor Event Waiver forms must be signed & notarized & minor must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older.

Sorry, no pets allowed other than service animals

Checks payable to SCA Inc. / Shire of Tempio.


Steward of Events: 

HL Ana Maria Madelena Selvaggio  madelena at

Baron Theodric Alfhaims,   254-771-5037     ctwilliams at

Head Cook:

Lady Katherine Rose Oliver,   254-933-2549 or email cathyo at


>From the North: Take IH-35 to Temple, then take the Adams Exit and go West on Hwy 36 / 53


>From the East: Take best route to Temple and IH-35.  Go North on IH-35 to Adams Exit and go West on Hwy 36 / 53 

>From the South: Take IH-35 to Temple, then take the Adams Exit and go West on Hwy 36 / 53

Once on Hwy 36 / 53  from IH-35, go West for approx 1 mile to top of rise and look for VFW 1820 on the right (North).

>From the West on Hwy 190: Take best route to Temple and IH-35.  Go North on IH-35 to Adams Exit and go West on Hwy 36 / 53

>From the West on Hwy 36 from Gatesville area: VFW 1820 will be on your left as you enter Temple after passing Loop 363.

The VFW Post #1820 is approximately 1 mile West of IH-35 on the North side of the road, which is the Gatesville Highway.


I, Baron Theodric, do hereby appologize to Ansteorra for not having our web page up and going correctly.  My computer was kuput and I have only gotten the new one up and going.  I hope this will suffice for any and all that are making the sojurn to our fair Shire.

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