SR - Re: naming an army

Timothy A. McDaniel tmcd at
Wed Apr 4 20:36:46 PDT 2001

    Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:17:16 -0700
    To: Discussions of SCA Heraldry <SCAHRLDS at LISTSERV.AOL.COM>
    From: "Eafric neyn Ken3e (mka Sharon L. Krossa)"
         <krossa at>
    Subject: Re: Naming an army
    Cc: tmcd at


I think the problem is that actual period army's did tend to be named 
"the English army" or "the Duke of Norfolk's men" (or, since this is 
the army led by the Duke, not just the men the Duke personally 
brought to the army, "the Duke of Norfolk's army"). Since this is not 
the army of the whole kingdom, calling it the Ansteorran army won't 
work, but you might look into what the various factions armies were 
called in civil wars (I expect it was along the lines of soinso's 
army). Though actually it occurs to me wonder when "army" came to be 
used for armies, so perhaps not soinso's army but soinso's company or 
soninso's men and the like. (The CSD indicates that the earliest use 
in Scotland was 16th century, but I don't know what context and I no 
longer have easy access to the OED). Also, looking through Barbour's 
Bruce (which is full of 14th century armies but not by that name), 
they don't even tend to talk about the Scottish army or whatever, but 
rather about the Scots or the English did this or that, and then for 
smaller parts Soinso and his company.

All of which to say, it looks like they're the south Ansteorrans (or 
whatever the region they are from is called) or else Soninso's 
company or Soninso's men, from a period perspective. Who is the 
Soinso forming the army?


(Unless otherwise noted, when commenting on names I address 
historical authenticity, not SCA registerability.)
Sharon Krossa, krossa at
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     The Medieval Names Archive -
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     Academy of Saint Gabriel -
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