[Southern] Bardic Circle at Bryn Gwlad Baronial Championship

Brian Martin BMartin at Corp.Prodigy.com
Mon Aug 6 12:53:44 PDT 2001

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Greetings All,

Their Excellencies Pendaran and Jehanne, Baron and Baroness of Bryn Gwlad do
hereby invite one and all to attend the upcoming Bryn Gwlad Baronial
Championship this September 28 - 30. Following court on Saturday night
following, Their Excellencies along with their titled bard Lord Stephan
MacThomas shall hast a bardic circle for the joy and entertainment of all.

Please note that this circle will not be a competition, merely an
opportunity for entertainers and those who love the bardic arts to enjoy
themselves. Their Excellencies promise a delightful and period atmosphere
conducive to an evening of quality entertainment. To that end, Master Pug
shall provide adult beverages for all who wish to partake.

See the Black Star, and watch for announcements and the event website (soon
to be up and running) for more information about the bardic circle and the

Your in love and service,
Pendaran & Jehanne
Lord and Lady Bryn Gwlad

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