[Southern] Summerthing Class

Suzanne Powell suzanne_powell at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 17 06:48:17 PDT 2001


I will be teaching a class, "Introduction to Silent Heraldry", at Stargate's
Summerthing from 11:00 until noon on Saturday, August 18th.  I'll be starting
out with the basics -- alphabet and introducing yourself and others, then we'll
move on to SCA-specific signs and interpreting for a large group.

I have a little over 40 years of experience with sign language.  My entire
family is deaf and I have interpreted for them since I could talk.  I went on
to interpret for the general public when I was 16.  I am knowledgeable in Total
Communication.  This is a sign language "approach" which encourages the user to
utilize not only signed English, but also ASL, mime, lipreading -- whatever it
takes to get the message across.

I hope to see you in class!

-- Suzanne

Lady Suzanne de la Ferté
Stargate/Westgate, Kingdom of Ansteorra
Suzanne C. Powell                            Houston, Texas
                                   suzanne_powell at yahoo.com

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