ANST-Announce - Final IAAC Scores

Bob Dewart gilli at
Mon Jan 29 20:02:54 PST 2001

Greetings and Hi There,

Here are the final scores for the IntraAnsteorra Archery Competition.  I
will try to present the madallions to the winners at local events as I can
catch them.  I wish to congradulate ALL who participated in the competition.
This year was the best the Kingdom as *ever* done.  And everyone who shot,
set-up or tore down a range, kept score or ran a range; helped to make it
happen.  My thanks to you all.  Let's do it all over again next season, but
even better!!


IAAC Open Division final standings are:
Don Sebastian Frobroshire 246, Lord Robert of Yorkshire 221, Walter the
Fletcher 200.

IAAC Open Crossbow Division final standings are:
THL Roger Bagley 235, Don Sebastian Frobroshire 233, Lord Plachoya Sobaka

IAAC Period Division final standings are:
Don Sebastian Frobroshire 202, Lord Robert of Yorkshire, 176, THL Gilbert
Ost Westley 148.

IACAC Division final standings are:
THL Roger Bagley 244, THL Gilbert Ost Westley 236, Don Sebastian Frobroshire
228.  It should also be noted that these three individuals also secured
first place for Ansteorra in the IKCAC.

Due to the small number of children that participated, each will get a
medallion.  However, I only have the two kids from the Namron shoot.  My
computer seems to have eaten the list of those who shot at Bryn Gwlad's
Baronial (you remember, the one we shot between rain drops).  If the parents
that were there or others who know the names of the children that shot could
help me reconstruct the list, it would be appriciated.

>From the Namron Shoot: Alan of Namron, Elizabeth McReynald

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