[Southern] Kings Roundtable (redtape event)

Agnarr Thorvaldsson agnarr at apex2000.net
Sat Jun 2 16:32:45 PDT 2001

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Greetings to all Officers, Nobles and all gentles of Ansteorra.

This is just a quick note to let you know that the Shire of Crossrode Keep is proud to be hosting the next Kings Roundtable (formally known as the redtape meetings) on August 4th.  For those wanting to attend this event or wishing more information on this event. You can go to the following webpage :


Just scroll down past the event announcement for Sundered Shield II for more information and a map to the event site.

The webpage does have a list of the hotels in Big Spring, Texas that are giving a discount to those wishing to attend and will need a room to stay in.  And a free side board lunch on Saturday for those attending this event is being provided.

If you need additional information please feel free to contact me as I am the local liaison officer for this event:

I remain, In Service to the Kingdom and the Dream.

HL Agnarr Thorvaldsson
Seneschal, Crossrode Keep

phone # (915)  393-5980
e-mail: Agnarr at apex2000.net


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