[Southern] Raven's Fort - AUG 16 - 18 - campout, work on site, and revel with your neighbors weekend!

Kief av Kiersted sirkief at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 16 10:12:24 PDT 2002

Heilsa neighbors...

For those interested... Raven's Fort is holding a weekend long "We're not at
Pennsic" / pot luck / work on your campsite / enjoy the outdoors / visit with
friends and family gathering at the Stones of Raven's Fort site.

We have received almost no rain and the forecast is for a good weekend with
highs in the 90 - 92 degree range.

So come on out, bring food, drink, and the tools of construction / destruction
of your choice. There will be things going on from Friday afternoon through
dusk on Sunday. Our Fighter Practice will be held at the Stones site this
Sunday as well.

Come on down and have a good time now y'hear?

Steward of Defender XX

"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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