[Southern] ISO Gaspard and/or Miguel Rousseau

donpieter at aol.com donpieter at aol.com
Mon Apr 4 06:18:28 PDT 2005

Forwarded to my cadet.
Don Pieter Rausch 
-----Original Message-----
From: DogDogCat at aol.com
To: southern at ansteorra.org
Sent: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 00:08:01 EDT
Subject: [Southern] ISO Gaspard and/or Miguel Rousseau

Stargate Baronial is this weekend and I need confirmation on whether our  
Youth Rapier Champion will be able to attend. Unfortunately, the e-mail  
addresses I had bounced so I was not able to contact you directly. If you are  
to attend, let me know so I can help co-ordinate someone from the area to  
bring the pass-down cloak for the new champion. 
Lady Juliana Blacke
Youth Rapier Marshal
Barony of the Stargate
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