[Southern] Southern Region Land for Gulf War Attendees - PRE-REGISTERED ONLY

Kief av Kiersted sirkief at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 21 23:36:22 PST 2005

Heilsa all Ansteorrans of the Southern Region...

I have the honor of being the Regional Land liasion for Gulf War 14.

I need to coordinate the information from the PRE-REGISTERED attendees for 
Gulf War 14 in order to insure that all get the space you need to camp 

**********The DEADLINE for PRE-REGISTRATION is 31 JAN 2005**********

Please send me:

1. SCA name

2. Legal name

3. Tent size (include the ropes and stakes in this measurement please)

3a. Tent or pavilion size for group use

4. Day of arrival

5. Group camping with

6. Age (only if under 18)

Any group or household may elect to use a coordinator rather than send in 
individual letters.

However, all those that do use a coordinator need to have them collect the 
above listed information in it's entirety for each PRE-REGISTERED ATTENDEE.

Be aware that there will probably be individuals that will list a Group or 
Household name without telling that group's coordinator...so a surprise or 
two may well occur at the War...

Here is a list of Official Chapters of the Society for the Southern Region 
of Ansteorra:

Bryn Gwlad
Fynnon Gath
Raven's Fort
Tír Medóin

If there is anyone or any group out there that does not have web 
access...please pass this information on to them and send me their 
information. Thank you!

Wæs Þu Hæl in TroÞ and FriÞ...!
Kief av Kiersted
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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