[Southern] Lost and Found from Mooneschadowe Triumphe

Meggan Cividanes harperaria at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 23 12:20:21 PDT 2006


Here is a list of all the Lost and Found from Triumphe that I have at
my house. If one or more of these items are yours, please contact me at
harperaria at yahoo.com to arrange for their return. 

Apologies for any cross-posting and folks who recieve this more than
once. If you know anyone who may be missing something from this event
who is not on these lists, please forward this information to them! 

With joy in service,
Lady Lillias MacGuffin 


2 Sets of Keys (e-mail me privately with descriptions of missing keys) 

Tall white ceramic mug
White ceramic 'bullet' style mug
Small brown mug
Mottled/spotted purple and blue mug
Tall black mug 
Blue ceramic mug (speckled on top) 
Copper Smirnoff Mule Mug 
Tiny Blue and Green ceramic mug 

Green glass goblet

2 Stainless Steel Forks, with black handles
1 Stainless Steel spoon with rounded wooden handle
1 Stainless steel knife with brown handle 
Fancy soup spoon 
Metal plate 
Thick round wooden plate 
Red walnut wooden bowl
Red candle 

Woven basket full of period toys
Mug loop (for belt) with dragon design
Light brown children's sandles size 13 1/2
Black "Kingston Technology" Baseball Cap 
Blue Poncho 
Pouch (green with bits of other colors, lined in striped 'salmon pink'
Silver bungee cord
1 size 4 paintbrush
Blue plastic baby pacifier
1 Bell 4-channel family walkie-talkie 
White fabric, rough edged 
Black fabric 
1 Disney Princess Cinderella watch 
1 White Shirt and Rapier Doublet - black with gold criss-crossing lines
(diamond pattern) with fleur-de-lis in the spaces, lined in dark blue

Known Owners: 
2 Ground cloths belonging to the Shire of Rosenfeld
1 mug belonging to Tega Blackdragon 

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