[Southern] --<Shadowlands>-- Demo at Texas A&M Open House: SUNDAY 9/5

Kaitlyn Mckenna mistresskaitlyn at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 08:33:52 PDT 2010

Current plans are thus: Open House is at Reed Arena on TAMU Campus
(different venue than in past years). We'll be tentatively set up at the
corner of Olsen and Kimbrough, closest to the West Campus parking garage.
Reed is a 100 lot, so anyone with a tag can for sure park there. If you are
coming from outside the Shire or do not have a parking tag, you can probably
park there too as any consequences wouldn't affect you ;)


Please dress is nice garb, but remember that it will be HOT! Don't wear
synthetics if you can help it. Please freeze some damp washcloths tonight
and bring with you.

Alfrun (and Connor) are getting the flyers. Alfrun is getting the water and
ice for the coolers at my house. Bring your mugs.
Alfrun is also checking on the use and charging of Solange's marine battery
so that we have power at our table to run the laptops. There is no power
outside at Reed.

Morina is getting some pickles/oranges/waterbearing type snack foods for
during the day. It takes a long time to go off campus to get food, so bring
some with you. We will be out there for a long time.

Dance: I'm bringing my boom box with batteries and dance music. We need
people to come dance (and yes, we'll teach the dances)

Tables: I have 2 folding plastic tables; Catan/Ron are bringing one plastic
table. If anyone else has/can bring a table, please do.

Miguel is bringing a sword stand to keep the rapiers up off the ground and
accounted for. Please patrol your belongings and keep things compact to
easier keep items from wandering off with non-sca people and to avoid any
breakage or accidents.

Pop-up style pavilions or umbrella shade is needed. I have one 10x12 hex
pavilion and 2 umbrella shades I'm bringing. There is no staking on the Reed
grass due to sprinkler system lines, so plan accordingly. There are no trees
this year...just grass.

10:30 am: show up at Kaitlyn's house to load up various Shire gear. If you
have a large vehicle and can help transport the list field, PLEASE come. If
you have a small vehicle that isn't taking much, please come and we'll put
A&S stuff in it and I"ll take list field bits in the van.

11:10 am: leave for Reed Arena
11:30 am: set up for Open House begins. We have both a table indoors as well
as outside space. We need all the people we can get to set up the list
field, unload stuff and set up.
1 PM Demo starts. The facebook page for this has about 3000 responded as
attending. Be prepared to be engaging and get people to come to the Monday
newcomer meeting or some other activity we have on the Shire calendar. If
you aren't comfortable talking to people, send them over to me or one of the
other officers.
5:00 PM Demo ends: load up. If your brought stuff, plan to take it back
where you got it! Everyone take stuff back, get showered and refreshed...
7PM: Pot-luck food type things at my house.

If you can't be at the demo for set-up...it happens. Show up when you can as
we'll need reinforcements all day. We can have up to 3 people at the indoor
table and should plan on cycling people through there. Roaming around the
other table areas in SCA clothes and directing people to the outside exhibit
usually works great too.

Newcomer meetings: Monday, Sept 6: 5PM meet at Koldus(parking garage
building) rm 144 in garb to get our act together. Newcomers attend the
6:30PM meeting in Rudder 601. Contact me or one of the officers if you need
directions to the Meetings.

Hoping to see all of you there!

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:36 AM, Brandon Garner <garnerbk at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I was wondering what the plan was for the demo/open house this weekend. You
> know, where, when, who, what, car pooling; is someone in charge of water,
> etc. if there is fighting or are we on our own; how much stuff do we want on
> display of what kind; etc. etc.
> - Orin
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> __,_._,___

"Do not make someone a priority who only makes you an option"
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