<div>Greetings Ansteorra, </div> <div><BR>I am coming to you as the Ansteorran Coordinator for Volunteer Point at <BR>Gulf War XVI. Volunteering IS a War Point. If you are not a fighter, <BR>chivalric or rapier, or even if you are and you want to help our Kingdom <BR>win the war point......VOLUNTEER!!<BR><BR>Some other benefits to Volunteering are:<BR><BR>1. for every two (2) hours you volunteer you receive a ticket for the <BR>raffle on Saturday night (the items are donated by the wonderful <BR>merchants);<BR>2. after fifteen (15) hours you can pick an item off of a special table <BR>at Volunteer Point; and<BR>3. YOU can choose where your volunteer hours go. This means that you <BR>can give your hours to your local SCA group, or any Official SCA group of <BR>your choosing, and at the end of the war your chosen group will receive <BR>money from Gulf and this money is determined by the amount of hours the <BR>group has listed.<BR><BR>Are you new to Gulf Wars....you want to
help and do not know what you <BR>can do....or do your child(ren) want to help with the War effort??? <BR>Here are just a few places you can volunteer:<BR><BR>1. Children's Activities,<BR>2. Waterbearing (kids can help with a parent),<BR>3. Troll,<BR>4. Nasty-Crat (kids can help with a parent & DOUBLE POINTS), and<BR>5. Security<BR><BR>For a complete list come by the Volunteer Point Tent which is near the <BR>Castle at Gulf.<BR><BR>If everyone at Gulf puts in just an hour or two of their time during <BR>the week it would make everyone's war just that much more fun!!<BR><BR>So how about it....come out and help, not only to make the war easier <BR>and more fun for everyone but so that we can win the Volunteer War <BR>Point.<BR><BR>Can't wait to see everyone there....<BR>In Service,<BR><BR>Ly Ciana O'Hara<BR>Barony of Northkeep<BR>Kingdom of Ansteorra<BR></div><p>
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