<pre><tt><tt>Greeting all merchants (and populace if you have a friend who is a <br>merchant send them this email) . <br><br>Stargate Baronial is right around the corner, If you are interested in <br>coming to our fair lands we open our gates and invite all merchants to <br>join us. <br><br>However please contact Signora Lisabetta with your intentions, so that <br>I may give you land in our township. <br><br>email is lisabetta at sophisticatedkaos (DOT) com if you don't get a <br>response with a questionare within 24 hours please send a second request <br>to lisabetta at kjsl (DOT) com<br><br>Stargate Baronial is April 20-22 at Livingston Trade Days Site<br><br>In service I remain <br>Signora Lisabetta Micola da Monte</tt></tt></pre><p>
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