[Stargate] Gift baskets for Gulf Wars

Sue Jurgens sjurgens at swbell.net
Mon Aug 23 10:52:06 PDT 2004

Let's discuss at Populace Meeting, and at the Stargate A&S night tonight! 

Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:
Greetings on this day after St. Hippolytus of Porto's Day, 
patron saint of horses and their riders, 

I've been lurking on some other branch lists, and see discussions about hand made gifts for the
Gulf Wars gift baskets from the baronies. I believe the plan is now to have 14 identical items
made for each of the 14 kingdom baskets. Has Stargate settled on a gift idea to make for our
baskets this next spring? 

Just curious, Hillary 
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