[Stargate] Steppes Artisan Sideboard

lizdenpeters@juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Mon Aug 8 17:31:02 PDT 2005

NOTE:  Please forward/disseminate this message as I am not on all the
mailing lists.

Good Gentles,

Steppes Artisan is this coming weekend and I hope your projects and
attendance arrangements are being finalized.  For this year, we are
having a potluck sideboard.  

You will need to bring your own feast gear (disposable feast gear is
fine) as the Barony will not be providing any.  We will, however, have
iced tea, lemonade and cold water to accompany your food.  

To better coordinate the side dishes for this event, we ask that you let
me know what you will be able to contribute to the side board so that we
do not have, for example, meat and desserts only.  Please review the
choices below so I can have an idea of how to set up the tables for the

Meats (Chicken and Pork will  be provided)

Breads and butters

Salads  (Tossed Salads, Pasta Salads, Potato Salads, etc.)

Vegetables (Green Beans, Rice Casseroles, etc.)

Platters (Cheese, Veggies, etc.)

Miscellaneous/Antipasto Items (Pickles, Olives, Peppers, etc.) (Hard
boiled Eggs  will be provided)

Sweets (Desserts, Cookies, Cakes, etc.)

We will have kitchen access so that we can do some refrigeration and
warming of the foods provided.   Please mark your serving dishes with
your name on the bottom so we can return them after lunch. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Thank you for
your cooperation and I look forward to seeing you at Steppes Artisan.

Yours In Service,

Lady Fionnghuala the Fair or "Nuala" 
Sideboard Coordinator for Steppes Artisan
E-Mail:  lizdenpeters at juno.com
Telephone:  214-330-8518 (Please do not call after 10:00 PM)
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