[Stargate] IP Thread -- Francois & ihon

John Hirling jhirling at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 06:37:28 PDT 2005

Greetings all

Two weeks ago when we first announced an Interested Persons meeting, Master
Francois posted a reply which I answered privately. We then had a small
series of communications, the result of which is this email publishing all
of our correspondence. I hope you find it helpful.

Unless I am mistaken, the Ansteorran server strips attachments. Therefore,
I'm including the "thread" below, as well as posting it on the
Stargate-Discussion list (
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Stargate-Discussion/ ) in MSWord form.

In an attempt to make the discusson clear, Francois' words are in green, my
words are in violet and quoted language is in italics. Even trying to copy
and paste into this email has removed some of the formating from the
document. I hope I've made all the necessary corrections. If your email does
not support formating and/or colors, and you are interested, please check
out the file uploaded on Stargate-Discussion.

Warm regards,
Baron of Stargate

Off-list IP Meeting Thread between Francois and ihon
hon to Francois – October 10

 On 10/10/05, Wendel Bordelon <rwbordelon at gmail.com> wrote:

*Greetings unto the electronically connect within the Barony, *

On 10/10/05, John Hirling < jhirling at gmail.com> wrote:

Last Monday at Populace we experienced a wonderful, high energy
brainstorming meeting. Many good ideas were expressed, but even more
importantly, many people expressed their willingness to make those ideas

*This is a wonderful idea! It has been a long while since we had such a
meeting. In the past such meetings were a great way to get people involved
and hear from those who were not able to regularly attend meetings. They
were usually planned out a month or more in advanced and on a weekend so
that as many people as possible could attend and contribute. That does not
seem to be the case this time and leads me to a couple of questions:

Why, if it was decided last week, are we just hearing about the meeting? *

I should have been more prompt in getting notice to those who didn't attend

* *

*Why, is the meeting being scheduled against one of the longest running and
most active guilds the Barony has? (Thursday Dance)*

I wanted to 'strike while the iron was hot' and capitalize on the energy at
Populace. Thursday night was our only night available this week. I'm not as
certain as you seem to be that weekend meetings don't cut people out as
well. There was no conscious decision to put it against Thursday dance.
We'll not schedule against Thursday dance again except for an absolute

Why is the only notification via email?

Are you suggesting the need for a phone tree? If you are, I think it is an
excellent idea. If you are not, please educate me what other methods you
think I should have used.

To solve the problems of the Barony it will take more than just the few that
can make a week night meeting that was announced at the last minute. Perhaps
the lack of planning and forethought is part of the problem.

Your counsel is always appreciated and I agree wholeheartedly that the
Barony will benefit from more than one meeting. This meeting is only part of
a process that began at June's business meeting, continued to last Monday's
Populace Meeting. I'm sure that you noticed that the four projects are only
a meager beginning . . . but they are a beginning.

* *

*We've opened a Yahoo Group (
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Stargate-Discussion ) so that we can not only
communicate but also upload/download files, add links, take polls, keep a
calendar, etc. It is not intended to be the Barony's official mailing list.
Please continue to use stargate at ansteorra.org for general postings. The
notes from Populace have been uploaded. If you are interested in any area of
concern, but cannot attend, please let us know. *

*Yet another list? We get very little discussion on this mailing list as it
is and right now we have at least 3 lists (stargate, hou-announce, coastal)
that have announcements and notices for the Baronial area. I believe that
the Baronial web page has a calendar already, polling can be done via email
or at meetings, and of course, sharing useful files and links are what web
pages are designed for. I think the addition of another list is only going
to make the communication more scattered and harder to participate in.*

You may be correct. Hou-Announce is not a discussion list. Coastal goes many
places other than Stargate. We talked about just using
stargate at ansteorrabut opted for the Yahoo group because of the
advantages over the mailing
list. Time will tell.

 *I do hope that the Thursay gathering is well attended and accomplishes
good things. Please, plan and announce another meeting with a bit more lead
time so that the rest of us can participate next time.*

*Heard loud and clear! Your comments and your input are always appreciated.
I do wish you had chosen to criticize us privately rather than publicly.
It's difficult for me to understand how publishing your questions to the
mailing list is helpful to us or to the Barony.


 Francois to ihon – October 11

 Greetings Your Excellency,

<reply cut to save space>

It is a shame that you decided to send the reply privately. The points you
brought forth were good and worth discussion.

*> ... I do wish you had chosen to
> criticize us privately rather than publicly.
I thought I was providing discussion on a process that I feel is broken. The
criticism was directed at how the meeting time was decided and also to
address the larger problem with communication and meetings announcements and
assumptions of who will/can attend. If the decision about the when and where
of the meeting was solely yours then, yes, I guess it was. I was not meaning
to attack anyone rather the issues. If that felt like a personal attack I

*> It's difficult for me to understand how publishing your questions to the
> list is helpful to us or to the Barony.
I am sorry to hear that. I thought one of the goals was to start a
discussion. Your private reply and announcement on the list virtually
guarantees that there will be not discussion.


  ihon to Francois – October 13

 Did you receive the mailing below? I've not received a reply.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Hirling <jhirling at gmail.com>
Date: Oct 11, 2005 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Stargate] IP (Interested Parties) Meeting -- Thursday 10/13 at
7:30 pm (Take Two)

To: Wendel Bordelon <rwbordelon at gmail.com>

 Greetings Master Francois

Am I to understand that you desire and request that I post both my response
to you as well as this email and reply publicly in hopes that some good will
come of a discussion of your concerns?


  Francois to ihon – October 15

 Unto His Excellency Baron Ihon,

I ask that you forgive this tarty reply. The class I was teaching this last
week required many extra hours of study and attention than I must usually
apply. This is the first opportunity I have had to deal with "non-work"
related things.

I was disappointed that the discussion was not continued publicly. If you
wish to post our exchange please feel free.

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