[Stargate] Re: Stargate Digest, Vol 35, Issue 1

Terri Hirling thirling at gmail.com
Fri May 5 10:28:35 PDT 2006

Congrats on your upcoming marriage.  I remember your first event when
Westgate hosted Harvest Ball and you had no garb to wear.  I seem to recall
you borrowing something from me -- something brown with fur trim around the
neck and cuffs (or am I miss-remembering).

Good luck and best wishes.

Warm regards,
Baroness Isabeau (and Baron Ihon, of course)

> Gwen said:

I hope I find you all in good health and spirits.

Your blonde, as always, is in need of your help! First I need to get in
touch with Gerald of Leesville, Avatar, Michael Silverhands, and Scarhart.
If someone could pass along my email to them, I would appreciate it (it's
regarding music). Second if someone could pass this message along to the
Westgate and Gate's Edge lists, I would appreciate it. Why, might you ask,
are you doing all this work?...

Because your wayward former historian, former waterbearer, former herald,
former virtual scribe is FINALLY getting hitched! Yes that's right...you
didn't misunderstand...Gwen is getting married...weird huh?

So please all join me at Bordermarch Autumn Melees this November for an
event I hope you will never forget!!
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