[Stargate] OT - Furniture for Sale

Terri Hirling thirling at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 13:43:53 PDT 2008

We looking to sell the following pieces of furniture:

Executive Desk (36" X 72") - - $300 (good condition, minor scratches)

2 file drawers

4 regular drawers

middle pencil drawer

Matching Credenza (19" X 66") - - $150 (good condition, minor scratches)

2 file drawers

4 regular drawers

2-door middle cabinet

Both - - $400 OBO

2 Recliners - - $50 each (one green/blue, the other dark tan, good condition
but could use a cleaning)

Queen sleeper sofa - - $200 OBO (multi-color Southwest with wood trim, good

If you've been to our house you've seen the above, well maybe not the office
furniture since it's upstairs but the other furniture is in our family
room.  Please email if you're interested, need more information or want a
contact phone number.

Baroness Isabeau Quiquandon

(Terri Hirling)

"We live in two worlds . . . the world into which we are born, and the other
world that is born within us. Both may be a blessing or a curse. We choose."
Attributed as a Druid homily.

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