[Stargate] Presentations at Populace Meetings

Thomas Smith attewoode at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 21:52:11 PST 2008

Good Gentles all,

If you have not been to populace meetings and stuck around for the
presentations afterward, you have been missing out.  Next month's class is
being led by HL Antonello, who promises to teach us the basics of English
Country Dance in 15 minutes, followed by some actual dancing.  The
(tentative) set list is:

Half Hannikin
Rufty Tufty
Black Nag

Future classes are in the planning stages.  If there is something you are
interested in, please let me know and I will track someone down to teach
it.  If you have knowledge to share with you fellow stargaters, talk to me
and I will put you on the schedule.

Yours in Service
Thomas atte Woode
Stargate MOAS

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