[Stargate] Stargate Officers Meeting

David Law ciarnat at nww.net
Mon Sep 15 12:24:53 PDT 2008

Due to power outages and fuel shortages (we have long lines at the pumps in my area), the stargate officers meeting for tonight has been canceled.  Per Lady Cristyana, we will have no meeting.  She could not send out this message because she has no power...  

My guess is that there won't be many people that can read this either as .... they have no power.

Hope everyone is doing well.  We were lucky.  Only lost 1/2 a tree and all the OLD fencing.  New fences survive.  Not enough to claim on insurance.  Don't think they would pay on a Chinese Tallow tree..  Trash tree...

Leofwine & Ciarnat. 

Sent via the WebMail system at nww.net


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