[Stargate] Thank You!

Ciarnat Ciarnat at consolidated.net
Sat May 8 18:53:55 PDT 2010

SCA Sisters & Brothers,

      The children attending the Children's Book Faire at the Houston Public
Library this afternoon, enjoyed the offerings of a "short trip" through
history, assisted by some fine SCAers.  Textile arts were presented by
Genevieve McCollum de Caen, Sarra Ashton of York, Elizabetta Maria de Medici
& Cristyana Lambrect.  Fine scribal skills were demonstrated by Hillary
Greenslade & Thomas atte Woode. Many SCAers that helped out, enjoyed dipping
bits of cake, marshmallows and strawberries in the "chocolate fountain"
machine and having dessert in the middle of the day.

      One young boy, aged approximately 8 asked some deep questions
concerning combat, weaponry & warfare.  He stayed for about 30 minutes at
the section of the display table that featured pieces of armor, deeply
absorbed in what we told him about the subject and looking intently at a
book about knights.  I had a thought that he was born into the wrong time in
history, that if he had been born pre-1600, he could have become a fine
page, then a fine squire.

         The library contact, Jane thanked us for our participation, which
helped make the event a success.  She said the children seemed to especially
enjoy telling Hillary or Thomas their names.  Hillary or Thomas would then
write the child's names in beautiful calligraphy for the children to take
home with them.  She also said that many people enjoyed having Maria teach
them how to do Fingerloop Braiding.  I recall one woman becoming so happy
about learning to fingerloop braid, she was positively beaming and laughing
excitedly when she showed us the finished item she had just woven with her
own hands.

        I thank all of you for taking time from your weekend to be at the
library, for bringing all of your items to display & demonstrate (Inkle
weave loom, dressmaker's form clad in a gown, hand carved wooden chair and
harp, banners, etc).  You helped show the parents & children a slice of life
from ages ago.  They were quite appreciative of our efforts, learning more
about what life was like then.



  All meaningful change begins with the right aspirations--Ken Yamashita

      P.S.  May all who read this missive make all attempts to attend next
week's demo:  Scheduled for May 15 at The Edward's Cinema  (located at I-10
& Silber), in conjunction with the premier release of the film, Robin Hood
starring Russell Crowe.  The demo is slated for 12 PM to 4 or 5 PM.

     Please bring any and all things to display, we need Chivalric fighters,
Rapier fighters, artisans, archers and musicians.  Though there is not a
safe location for archers to actually show their skills, please bring your
bows, equipment and talk about archery to the public.  Put on your finest
garb, (we will be indoors), and let us show the public what we do.  The
theater will have tables for our use. We would like to see your smiling
faces on the 15th!

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